Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sick, as always

The family is still sick. I am so tired of being sick. I got sick when little Phe first got sick and now that we have gone through her getting better and X-man getting sick, I am still sick. Now he is getting better, and my cough is still just about enough to blow the top of my head off. The past two nights I haven't even been able to lie down to sleep because the mucus gathers and causes me to cough. Lucky for me I have a hug pillow, so I have just been propping myself up on that to get some pseudo restful sleep.

The whole family converges in two days upon this location. A joyous time will be had by all, I assure you. I am really happy about getting to see my oldest sister. I don't see her enough. It makes me sad.

I am happy that the kids have no recollection of our dearly departed. It would make things alot harder than usual. The other day X was eating yogurt, and we would always let Fiona lick out the yogurt container when he finished because it was so cute to see. When he was done he did his normal sign of "all done" and the breifly stated "duh" that I think is "done" (he does also say "duh" though which I feel is one of my greatest accomplishments in life), but then he started wiggling his tongue around in a licking fashion. So I said," What are you doing?", and he said "arf, arf" and licked the air profusely again. I put two and two together and said, "Oh, you want the doggie to lick the yogurt?" and he said yeah. So, I didn't quite know what to do so I just said that the doggie is gone and he forgot about the whole thing three seconds later, but I still sat there, some moisture had suddenly, unexpectedly formed in my eyes and I was having difficulty blinking it away.


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