Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Am I a control freak perfectionist?

Am I a control freak perfectionist?

Things that point to yes:

  • I have to fold my clothes in a very particular way. A manner which insures that said article of clothing will not contain any visible wrinkles. A manner which also insures that said article of clothing will take up the least amount of space possible thus enabling me to squeeze all of my Star Wars shirts into one drawer.
  • I have to organize all of my clothes in a very particular fashion when I am folding them. I put p.j. and sweat pants in one pile, going out of the house pants in another pile, band t-shirts in one pile, Star Wars t-shirts in another pile, layer-able tanks in one pile, etc. I also do this with my husbands and sons clothes.
  • I have all of my and my family's clothes in certain locations in each drawer. In my son's shirt drawer (the bottom one on his dresser) the rear left hand corner contains p.j. shirts, the next pile in the back contains onesies, the next one is long sleeved shirts which he can't quite wear yet because it is still eighty something degrees outside, the final pile in the back right corner contains the same (two whole slots taken up by stuff he can't wear yet!), the front right hand corner has, well, you get the picture here...

O.K. so maybe I am only a control freak perfectionist when it comes to laundry. Why is it that I can't manage to be this organized with the rest of my life?


At 6:49 AM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

i love you debra. you are such a beautiful creature.


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