Monday, April 02, 2007

Developing: In more ways than one

I have been looking at old photos today to try and figure out what most normal people write down in a baby book. I finally found it though. The little man cut his first tooth on the fourteenth of June in 2004. He was a mere five months old. Now the little lady still hasn't managed to cut any teeth and she is a week and two days away from being ten months old. Another thing that I noticed from the pictures is that X-man's eyes started changing color when he was about two months old. It started with a dot of brownish-green and spread over the next six or so months to make his eyes that incredible hazel that they are now. Little sweet Phoe's eyes still don't seem to be changing. They are much lighter than they used to be, but still a somewhat nondescript dark blue. Something else I have noticed, what an amazing difference using a professional grade camera to a regular point and click there is. I will post a couple of pictures on my photo journal so that you can see the difference.


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