Monday, July 16, 2007

Updates and venting

I noticed it has been quite some time since I have blogged. The little lady has started crawling since I last posted. She used to just get around by scooting on her behind but now she has realized that it is much faster to use all four limbs to propel herself rapidly toward things I don't want her in. She will say "uh-oh" but not mama or dada. She loves to play peek-a-boo. And she still dances whenever she hears music. Fortunately, I have video footage of her dancing. Unfortunately, I do not have footage of her scooting on her behind. Her newest favorite toy is a teapot and fork/spoon/knife (plastic, don't worry)/whatever stick like utensil she can put in the pot stir around and pretend she is eating from the pot, since eating is her favorite pasttime. This recalls to me how the little man used to love to make soup in whatever bowl/pot like thing he could find. I think that his vocabulary has expanded by leaps and bounds since the last time I posted an update. He repeats almost everything I say. At times I suppose this could get annoying to someone watching it happen, but I love it. Seeing him finally get the idea of speaking to communicate is so wonderful to me, and if it takes a few months of repeating everything I say for him to finally speak in sentences I am all for it.

Last week RC worked a whooping total of ninety seven and a half hours. Granted, if you do the math that makes ten hours a day that he wasn't working. However, it wasn't spread nice and evenly like that. Perhaps if it had been I would have gotten to see him more that just on Sunday during church and on Monday when we had dinner with some friends for my birthday.This may sound like a good thing, but really it isn't. It may help us along toward our ultimate goal of being debt-free and in a home of our own, but it really does nothing for our relationship. I am so angry and frustrated at him not being here. I know it isn't his fault, but he is the only person who I can talk to about it because he is the only one who knows all the details and talks to me. So when he is telling me about how ignorant the people who he works for are I can't help but respond aggressively because stupidity is a big thing that I am against. And although I am simply responding to what he is telling me it appears that I am being angry at RC when really I am not. I am just so annoyed with his place of employment. So, for you business minded people out there, here is a little hypothetical business question for you:
Say you have a company that is about four years old. When you started this company you purchased used/old equipment "to save money" to start out with. Say four years down the road this used/old equipment is getting really old/outdated. This really old/outdated equipment has begun to crash at least once a week. Now you have to spend bucoudles of money for the tech team to come in and spend lots of man hours and over time to fix said really old/outdated equipment.
What would you do now that you own a multi billion dollar company?
a.) Purchase new top of the line equipment
b.) Purchase old equipment that is newer that your really old/outdated equiptment but still somewhat shoddy
c.) Purchase the lowest end stuff you can find and hope it holds up to your weekly network crashes because you want to save money
If you are the company that RC works for the answer is c. Not too smart, huh?
So, for now, because of the ineptitude of this companies heads of staff, I am husbandless until further notice.


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