Thursday, February 23, 2006

I am feeling a bit better now.

I am feeling a bit better now. My ear isn't as clogged up. I have full working capabilities of my left nostril intact. Unfortuately, the entire right side of my head feels just about ready to split open. I am guessing this is due to the fact that my snot has morphed into a Jekyll and Hyde/Two-Face/Janus type of monster that has decided to abandon one side of my head in order to make the other side completely miserable. I had B-H contractions all day yesterday and so far all day today. These, too, seem to be morphing into something that doesn't really seem to be fit for human experience. It isn't painful like true labor, it just hampers all movement creating great discomfort in my back and causing me to walk somewhat like a badly modulated android (C-3PO for instance). WOW... Hey, this says to me, "everybody feel sorry for me." I apologize for my constant complaining... but I'm not taking it off. In four or five years when she learns how to read, I want her to come on here to see this so that I can easily retain dominion over her in order to make her do the dishes without arguing.
I sat outside in this beautiful weather for about an hour earlier today watching my big boy run all over the place pushing his car/scooter thingy backward back and forth across the yard. It was lovely. I have a question for the mommies (and daddies) who read this. We spent an hour outside, should I have put sunscreen on him?


At 1:47 AM, Blogger mistic_mommy said...

sunscreen? I only remember to use it after catlin has already had at least one sun burn of the year. I never remember it when it is still this mild and pleasant outside.....


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