Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lords of the Trailer Park

This is a review that I found on Amazon/Toys-R-Us for the Harley Davidson Lights and Sounds Trike. This has to be some of the best writing I have read in ages.

Lords of the Trailer Park, October 1, 2005

They are lords of the trailerpark these youngsters on their Harley Davidson trikes. Rolling down gravel driveways, spitting their disgust at the conventions of lower middle class culture, the wind in their mullets, these are the Children of the Horn. Honking. They cannot be stopped now. There are no cinderblocks or plywood sheeting strong enough to constrain their youthful nihilism. The only rule of Trike Club is there are no rules.
In each trailerpark there is one adult, one father or stepfather or mom's boyfriend, who keeps these Harley Davidson trikes running. He is the linchpin of this hellish gang of preschoolers with hate in their eyes and violence in their lunchpails.
Unfortunately, these trikes are true facsimiles of Harley Davidson, they break down constantly and use technology first developed in the 1930s. But the sound cannot be duplicated. The sound of freedom, the sound of America, the sound of the singlewides.
Is your child man enough for one of these? Ask yourself that question. If he is, then by all means get him one. If you get him one learn to repair it. Keep him on the road.

Pure genius.


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