Saturday, February 25, 2006

Did you ever wonder which came first, the 'f' or the 'ph'?

Did you ever wonder which came first, the 'f' or the 'ph'? I just started thinking about that a minute ago. What if they (you know, who ever it was that started coming up with all these words and spellings and things in the first place) started with 'ph', but then decided that they needed a shorter way of writing it so they pulled the 'p' up from hanging below "the line" and cut part of the loop and shoved it over a bit thus creating the 'f'? What an incredible hypothesis?!? I should lecture on it at universities.

In other news, today was a good day. It had a rough start but it got better with good company. My sister and her husband are in town with their three little ones. The other day (wow, that was just yesterday?) when I did so much happy singing and dancing because of the lack of an achy head did not continue on in that form. By mid-day I was miserable again. I got remotely better by the end of the day, but still felt pretty achy and tired from the meds. Hypnotising myself by getting absorbed into my crocheting has been the best help, I think. This morning I woke up good, but by the end of breakfast was in pain again. The medicine seemed to take a much longer time to kick in when I took it this morning. I need to take more now so that I will be able to fall asleep without pain. On the scale of one to ten with one being pain free and ten being excruciating (look up where that word came from to know what I am talking about) pain, right now I am at about a five or six. This morning after breakfast I was closer to an eleven or twelve (not exaggerating). That has pretty much been how these headaches have been since they started though. I have so much more respect for chronic migraine sufferers now. I am way not as snotty now though! That is a big plus.

Another thing happened today that I thought was beautiful. When giving hugs and kisses for bed, my niece also hugged and kissed my swelling abdomen (the haven of one who had hiccups for the first time today). It was so sweet. Also, my boy, upon seeing his cousins giving kisses and hugs felt he needed to do it as well. He hugged both of them. It was so adorable. I wish I had felt like moving the two feet it would have taken for me to grab the camera and snap a few shots, but I am lazy.


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