Monday, May 22, 2006

A letter I sent to a recently rediscovered aquaintance from high school:

I am at 38 weeks. I love being pregnant, too, it is just the whole can't-sleep-through-the-night-because-of-back-pain issue and dealing with a cranky two year old during the day that I don't like. Don't get me wrong, I love my son, but boy they weren't kidding when they named it "the terrible twos". Luckily, I don't have to worry about panty hose, being a stay-at-home mom for the last two years has given me little time to do anything that requires me to get dressy. The nicest I ever look is on Sunday when I make sure I put on a *clean shirt with my blue jeans. I feel sorry for my husband. We have been married for almost 5 and a half years and I never dress up for him anymore. When we first got married I always tried to dress so that I would turn his head, now he is lucky if I change out of my p.j.'s during the day. Sorry, that is probably way more info than you wanted, but I get kind of chatty when have spent the whole day with a child who has only just begun to grasp the fine art of speech.

Oh yeah and I went to the doc's today and...

ta-da! I am dilated one and a half centimeters!!!

But I can't go into labor before Friday night at about nine o'clock, because that is about when X-Men 3: The Final Stand will be over. We already have tickets and they are non-refundable, so it just can't happen before then.


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