Thursday, August 31, 2006

Arm Funk

The funk on my arm that started on Monday (that I originally thought was ringworm) is some sort of "contact dermatitis". I went to the doctor today because it kept me awake alot last night by being an uncomfortable nuisance (and because it seems to be morphing into something of apocalyptic proportions). The doc said it was probably from Poison Sumac or Poison Oak. The interesting part is that you have to have some sort of contact with said poison trees in order to get it, and considering I seldom go farther than the back garden room... I'll let you ponder that for yourself. It really is becoming quite a pestilential encumbrance. The doc gave me a prescription for a steriod cream to aid in decreasing the itchiness. I will be able to aquire said cream tomorrow, until then I just have to suck it up and use the completely unsuccessful hydrocortisone cream.

Interesting factiod:

Hydrocortisone cream is an anti-pruritic. It is used to stop itching

The definition of prurient:
1. having, inclined to have, or characterized by lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc.
2. causing lasciviousness or lust.
3. having a restless desire or longing.

So does that mean that I have a lustful rash on my forearm? Thus I should put anti-lust cream on it? And if I am a prude should I use an extra amount to be sure the lascivious rash doesn't threaten my propriety?

I know pruritic means itchy, I was just being silly.


At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, what was the deal with your arm last night?


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