Sunday, August 06, 2006


So, I got the tags the very next day, after much driving back and forth between the bank and the buy-your-tags place (whatever it is called). I then went and bought dog food (YaY!), and got my hair cut (again, YaY!). Then I went to Target, but when I got off of the interstate it started pouring down rain. So, I ended up sitting in the truck for fifteen minutes waiting for it to blow over since I didn't have my umbrella, and I wasn't about tp try to haul two kids through that down pour. Then I went home. That is all there was to that exciting day.
I am practically becoming an expert on breast feeding in public! Next time you see me at Wal-mart, I'll probably be walking around with my little sweet feet attached at the bosom. Yeah, that was pretty gross.
I am so happy to be pain-free now. It was so tedious, not being able to breathe with out pain. I hope I never again take something so simple and routine for granted again. Unfortunatly, I know that I am bound to.
I realised today while emailing someone that I haven't got many photos of "the new one" up over here. I will try to remedy that soon. I do have wonderful gory photos up though.


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