Monday, July 10, 2006

Still not 100%

Well, since my last post alot more has happened. I did not call the doctor like I said I was going to, but instead ended up going to the ER, again. When I woke up that morning I was in such excruciating pain that I couldn't breath at all without shrieking (literally) my agony to the world. So, to the ER it was. After spending four hours in the ER, being poked with needles twice, and having four more chest x-rays, I was diagnosed as having developed plurasy in the lower part of both lungs and my right lung still contained lots of fluid left over from the pneumonia. I have a follow up visit sheduled for tomorrow at two fifteen. Hopefully the fluid will be gone and then I will only have to deal with the plurasy till it decides to go away. Hopefully it won't be like the plurasy I have in the middle of my chest that recurs about once every three months.
Oh Man, my daughter is beautiful! I am just sitting here watching her sleep, admiring how georgeous she is. Even through all the baby acne she is still beautiful.
Oh, yeah, the little man can now say ice. Although it comes out more like "ish" with the long "i" sound. It is so cute, I just have to give it to him. He has also perfected the "I love you" sign. He can be so sweet sometimes. And yet, he is definitely suffering from the terrible two's. He can be so contrary and almost despicable now.


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