Monday, April 16, 2007

The amazing retentive mini- Mr.

The little man is starting to really bust out of this conservative shell he has been in since, well... his whole life. He has been playing really rough with my friend's son alot lately. He has gone down a slide on his own, without being prompted to twice now. And he is generally just starting to do great boy things. He is also retaining so much more than I realised possible. He can point out the letters A, B, D, E, I, L, O, P, and T. Sometimes he does a few others, but those are the letters he knows best. He has this whole thing now where if something is laying down it is either asleep (ni-ni) or dead (dead or died). He says dead and died and die very well. Sometimes he is telling me to die, sometimes he is teaching me about dinosaurs and the possible causes for their extinction, such as: he knocked them all over so they are dead. Also now, whenever he sees a bug it gets classified into one of three catergories: bug (buh), spider (the sign that you use in "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"), or dead (dead). Occasionally he classifies other things as blue or pink. Those are the only colors he really seems to have grasped the concept of. But, then again, he also likes to inform me that his poop is fish in the potty.

Oh yes, and two days ago I did something that I hope every mommy gets to do at least once in their life. One of the boy's toys broke so I decided to super glue it back together. A one dollar toy. Super. Glue. It. Back. Together. Yep, you guessed it. I didn't only super glue two of my fingers together (my index and middle finger on my left had), I also super glued my ring finger on my left hand and my thumb on my right hand to the broken piece of toy. A one dollar toy cost me almost a half an hour of soaking my fingers in finger nail polish remover. But thats ok, really, because I did my nails after that.


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