Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Falling things

Imagine this, I forgot something in that last post that I jotted down quickly so that I wouldn't forget anything. Go figure.
Yesterday, at the grocery store the darling little angel that my daughter is pulled down a stack of glass pie dishes and shattered three of them. I probably could have cried if there hadn't been people around to see. But since the little man started crying as if he had been mortally wounded by a falling pie dish, the entire store's staff showed up to make sure everything was alright. Good store. But bad for me. All these people kept showing up and the wheels of the shopping cart were clogged with pyrex glass so all I could do was stand there helplessly trying to keep X-man calm and attempt to shove pieces of glass out of the way with the toe of my sneaker.
Mortifying isn't quite a good enough adective.


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