Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Thank you, to all of those people who pointed out that the links on the blog were screwed up. Luckily, someone else noticed it before I got home and told RC, so I didn't even get to do a thing, he fixed it all for me while I was at girly group.
While I am on the subject, I feel that last night was a real eye opener. L brought a list she had found somewhere, it was a list of "What makes a church?" It really made me think about some of the things that RTPC isn't doing. I think that there were only maybe two or three things on the list that we are doing, and there were about six or seven things on the list total (correct me if I am wrong L). It was a very informative evening, plus it was lots of fun. So much fun, in fact, that I totally forgot to buy milk on the way home and thus had to go this morning with a screaming child who wanted to drink said milk. I really enjoyed the shopping, even though I didn't get the chopsticks set after all. Oh well. So when I got home, I was thinking, "You know, we really should do things like that more often." Meaning just the whole getting together to walk around a department store, or go walk around some one's neighborhood and pray together. Now that the truck is fixed I definitely have more mobility. I just think that we should get together more than once a week, and try to get more people to come. Not just people from church, but like Roo's crazy land lady (or maybe not), or my bi-polar neighbor (or maybe not), or maybe even the librarian that gives me the evil eye when I check out smut (well, actually she commented on the fact that Fabio was on the cover of one of the books).
Why is it that it is so much more comfortable to let people you don't really know see the "dark side" of you? Like with it being easy for me to check out smut from a library where I know the people won't see me on Sunday. Or with it being easy to open up about a sordid past with people who have been or are on the same path whom you will never see again. Or running a red light because there isn't anybody else around to see it. (If you guys haven't noticed, I have a big issue with people and traffic violations, because there is no excuse considering all the blasted signs sitting around to remind you, and that wonderful invention called cruise control.) Oh yes, something else I noticed a while ago, a comparison: Church (as a place) and cops. People act the same around these two entities. If you are driving down the road, what do you do when you see a cop? You slow down. What do people do when they go to church on Sunday? They try their best look of innocence. What do people do as soon as the cop is out of sight? They speed up again and drive just as recklessly as they were before they saw him. What do people do when they leave church? They go back to there everyday way of living without a second thought for what may have been said at church. In my case, I ignore all of the things I have heard about how little "sins" can essentially weaken your spiritual fiber and create "footholds" for other bigger "sins". Which some of the things that I think of as sins for me are not for other people, because everyone has different weaknesses. For me, I think that if I let my love of smut get out of control, it could lead to me wanting to watch porn or doing things that as a married woman I have no right to. Same thing with anime (except not porn), my love of anime leads to excessive spending (that is something that I have sort of started to do better at though, since recently it has become either buy anime and be entertained or buy food and not starve to death). Also I have the habit of ignoring the words. I want to think I can achieve a closer relationship with God by completely ignoring Him, ok, so that is a little bit exaggerated, but essentially that is how my life is lived. Alright, so now that I am getting uncomfortable, I am going to go take some Tylenol and eat some cheerios and ignore the laundry.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

have i mentioned how much i love you, debra?


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