Monday, January 24, 2005


Oh, the agony. The girls have decided that I may not watch anime until after girly group on Tuesday. I know that I can make it. Heck, I have gone months without watching anime before. I sure put up a fight though. So, in the absence of cute Japanese boys and laughing-eyed men, I have vacuumed my house three times today. I also opened up "the cage", that area once known as a living room that since the birth of el kiddo was converted into a cage to keep him from the "dangers of the house". In addition to that I have cleaned the carpet in our truck (it really needed to be done since we have had it for almost a year now). Something interesting I found while cleaning the truck was something that was rather prevalent in the movie me and the bellas watched last night... YES... you guessed right. Oh dear, I said, no wonder there were so many problems with the truck. He-he! Oh well. Also, there were tons of those little strips that people with diabetes have to use to test there blood sugar (or whatever it is they do with those little machine thingies). Yeah, I know it is gross. We haven't even had the truck cleaned thoroughly since we got it. So, in lieu of anime I am doing lots of cleaning, sort of, I still haven't touched the laundry or the dishes. Oh yeah, I also tried to put those little cabinet latch thingies on the inside of the cabinet so that the little one will not pull out the knives and stuff and murder us when we don't pay attention to him for two seconds, those things are tough to put on. I only got one set on, and that took almost forty-five minutes. Blah. I need a little drill, or just a drill bit to put on the electric screw driver that we bought with the anniversary money (by money, I mean Target gift card! Ding! Ding! Ding!) my mom and dad sent. (Thanks for the screw driver, it is just what I always wanted. ) Yes, I passed up that cute tea set for a power tool. But I feel so empowered now, to work without twisting the wrist, it is wonderful! I want to take a nap. I feel sleepy, it must be that chocolate/peppermint bark I have been munching on today.


At 7:30 PM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

being productive is most excellent tho debra. i'm planning on filling the happy new rack you girls helped me build last night !! *applause for the ladies*

At 10:00 PM, Blogger mistic_mommy said...

look a day without anime and you got things accompished... how wonderful it must feel... yes good for you... only one more day... you can do it


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