Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Who's the stupid one now?

Last night I thought it would be a great idea to put Squishy to sleep in a onesie with no shorts on because all of his shorts are dirty. The reason I decided to do this was because here recently I put him to bed wearing a shirt and a pair of shorts, but during the night he pushes on the shorts and his diaper until he ends up spending most of the night peeing out of his diaper into his shorts (which is why all of his shorts are dirty). And yet when he does this the bed doesn't get wet. So last night I figured he wouldn't be able to push his diaper down if he were wearing a onesie. What a moron am I. When I went into his badroom, the stench of urine assailed my nostrils. His diaper wasn't pushed down, it had been unceremoniously torn off and was laying on the ground, completely dry might I add. He had to have instantly taken it off when i layed him down last night. His bed clothes are drenched, so was he onesie. I instantly stripped the bed and him, tossed the sheets on the floor and him in the bathtub. One good thing that came of this is that I didn't have to use another diaper because the one he took off last night hadn't even been peed in. SO then I had to instantly tell everyone in the world about it, too. And now I have to throw urine-y sheets in the wash and feed the Squish.


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