Monday, August 27, 2007

Sqaushed Digits and Mucal Floods

Yesterday RC had just picked up the little lady to take her to the kitchen for dinner. She was sitting behind some chairs that we have in the living room, we have all of the kid's toys stashed behind them. There is a small walking space between the two chairs and RC did not see, but the mini-man was on the ground right between the two chairs. When RC took his first step to head out of the bottle neck, he stepped right on the little man's hand. Much crying ensued. His finger was swollen and beginning to have a slightly purple tinge to it within minutes. After a while past he was acting pretty normal, just being very tender with that finger. Like if he had to pick something up he wouldn't grip it with that finger, he just sort of held it out. He wasn't whining overly-much and he was bending it in instances where he didn't have to grip something tightly, like his blanket. I gave him some tylenol last night, and this morning we went to the doctor's office. She checked him out and decided that with how swollen and purple it was it should be x-rayed. So after playing with a very cool toy in the imaging waiting room, we went back to a room with lots of big machines and my baby boy had his first x-ray. The result: not broken, just nicely squashed.
In other news: We are sick again. X-man, sweet Phoe and myself all have small irritating colds. The only reason I say that the little lady's is small is because she is small. Her cold seems to be an affliction of mass proprtions trying to break out of her body in floods of goo from her nose, eyes and mouth. She didn't even take a nap today because when she would lay down she just couldn't breathe. We ended up taking a ride to get her to sleep tonight, and then she woke up about forty-five minutes after I laid her down because she couldn't find her pacifier (or poppy as her big brother likes to call it).
Speaking of my little man, he had a speech assessment on Wednesday last. I am supposed to recieve a call early this week to set up an appointment to review the findings from the testing. I am so anxious about this. He has gotten much better at talking lately, so much so that I am afraid he won't be able to get into speech therapy. I would be so happy if I could let him go at his pace to learn things, but the school boards of America simply won't allow that. And if he stays at the rate he is going there is no way he would understand school as a whole by the time he is supposed to start according to school board rules. And you know how cruel other children can be to someone who is held back. I am having trouble with the thing as a whole. But again, the whole issue is probably my fault since I am not a particularly talkative person.


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