Monday, October 15, 2007

a response

Sometimes when you take the time to think about something you cannot deny it is true. Sometimes also you realise that you are a one point in your life where you really crave having relationships with people who have built up walls so high and so thick that there is no chance of breaking through even if you knew how. Life is too short to go through it with no one who really knows you. People have so much to offer, but in this age of "I want it right now and I want it to feel good and make me happy", being vulnerable and getting to know someone is next to impossible if both parties are not open and brutally honest. Brutally honest in this point not meaning being rude because there is some inconsequentiality that you dislike, but by sharing your whole heart, the mushy gross chewed up gum of your lives that everyone wants to hide away. And then there is the other side of it, with it being easier to be open and honest with the people you choose and not the people that life has chosen for you. I am open to anything.

And the whole world doesn't read this blog, just the people who want to get to know me or know me and all of my struggles already.


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