Friday, December 10, 2004


I apologize to those of you in small group. RC had to go to the doctor last night and it took forever. We didn't even get home until after seven. I am still stressing over this whole solid food issue, but I think the squish and I have come to a sort of agreement. So, all-in-all, today has been the easiest day as of yet. He still screamed the entire time I spooned applesauce into his mouth, but at least he was opening his mouth for it, and swallowing it once it mostly got in there. This is such an exciting blog, when you really think about it. Yippee! You get to read about my daily trials with feeding an almost one year old! Holy crap! I can't believe it. That messy little creature that munches on cheerios and bangs blocks together was in my gut just one year ago! I was complaining about my back hurting all the time (oh wait I still do that), having troubles sleeping, not being able to get comfortable, peeing every two and a half minutes, not to mention the fact that I was the size of a small elephant! I am so amazed that this little sometimes annoying creature is a creation that grew inside of me kicking and punching and now he is a little boy kicking and punching and biting (good thing he couldn't do that in the womb). This whole "life" thing is just amazing. It just seems so difficult for me to comprehend sometimes that a magnanamous deity would see me as being deserving of such a gift, incredible. Ok, I know if mom is reading this she is crying and I am about to start up too. So, adieu for now.


At 4:16 AM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

i missed you thursday and today !!!


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