Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Funny Talk

Something I love to do is listening to RC talk in his sleep. It is the most enjoyable past time in the whole world. Well, last night he was doing it again. This is how it went: I rolled over and put my hand on his shoulder and he said to me "I wonder what your dad wants." "What?" "I wonder what your dad wants." "Did he call you?" "No, we were doing uuuuhhhhhhh..." Ok, so he fell back asleep. Lets' try this again. I said to him "Hunny, what is wrong with the fish?" "Maybe you should try restarting it" Ok, he fell asleep again after that one. Then I actually asked a real question: "Are you hot?" "No" "Are you cold?" "I am right next to the mountain." "What mountain?" "The mountain I am next to. It is.." "What?" "It is..." He was out for real that time. One other night, after a concert I think he turned to me in his sleep and asked me where the cables were and if I could plug them into the speakers. Oh how fun it is to be married to someone who talks in their sleep.

This is sort of a comment to roo roo's last post about the Sanrio characters.
My favorite is Landry (obviously), but my runners up are
Hoshikuma, Sweet Coron, Deery Lou, Pinky Lili, aw crap, I can't name all of them. Needless to say, when you work at a Hello Kitty store for any length of time you develop a certain fondness for the creatures that reside within. I can still remember all of my regular customers. The young woman who had just gotten married and was decorating her entire house in hello kitty (wonder how long that lasted?), the lady who put her lipstick on outside of her lips almost up to her nose, the old lady who always got stuff for her grand-daughters. Ahhhh. Sweet memories. Then there were the not so sweet, like when the lady came in and used a stolen credit card and bought a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff, or the time that one of the other employees detained a customer because she thought she was using a conterfiet hundred dollar bill (when in all actuality it was just a really really really old bill so noone recognised it). But anywho.


At 1:34 PM, Blogger mistic_mommy said...

I am so sorry about Tues night... read my blog to find out what happened (it is the 3rd or fourth entry down)... are we still on for Christmas eve? I got all the stuff (except for dinner rolls but that is another story for another blog entry) I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! again I am sorry about Tues...


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