Friday, December 24, 2004

Well, it is Christmas Eve...

Well, it is Christmas Eve. I feel like putting on a cd of carols or something, but all I have is The Very Veggie Christmas. What is everyone's favorite Christmas songs, or just Hymns and stuff? Mine is "O, Night Divine" with a runner up of "Silent Night". I am supposed to be cleaning right now and replacing the burned out light bulb in the bathroom (which has been out for almost two months now), there are also alot of bones in the yard that I was going to pick up before my guests came over so that they wouldn't see the leftovers of my last guests, MWuah-hah-hah! No, actually I live right next to a cow feild and for some reason whenever one dies it always manages to die right next to my yard so my dog drags the bones into the yard to gnaw on. I am also going to put up my little tree sometime today. Hopefully the lights on it will still work. Well, I am really racking my brain for excuses not to do what needs to be done so I am going to stop making excuses and do something. Hmmm, I think I will make a pot of coffee. Then I will procrastinate some more.


At 2:22 AM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

sorry i missed the party.


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