Sunday, February 06, 2005

Scary, eek!

Something that I have noticed that is interesting and humorous about myself: I hate scary movies, but I love to read the classic horror novels. Just recently I have read The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Phantom of the Opera, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Invisible Man (ok so that isn't particularly a horror, but it is a classic, and a man gets beaten to death), and Dracula. I also love all of Bradbury's writings, in all of their terrific and horrific glory. I think also that I love too passionately. Take for instance all of my favorite hobbies and pastimes; once I pick up a book, I devour it in less than a day, or if I start watching an anime series then I don't stop until it is done. I can't take things slowly, like one chapter or episode a day. I have to finish as quickly as possible. Maybe it is just that I am addicted to fiction. I don't think I could even count the number of non-fiction books that I have read on a single hand, in fact only a single finger. I read a book about Chernobyl when I was in the tenth grade for a paper (which was one of my best but I only got a ninety-five on it because I wrote on both the front and the back of the paper, stupid Coach Ash, it was genius! Genius I say!). But I don't really think that that counts, simply because it was required. Yes, it is just fiction that I desire, that I crave. My life cannot work unless I can use my imagination to think up the wonderful scenes that occur in the hidden recesses of fictional works. Such as one particular trilogy of books, The Darkchild Trilogy by Sydney Van Scyoc. If only I could draw I would pencil that fabulous work of science fiction into a riot of color and panopoly of melodramatic scenes. When I read those books I can see every tiny detail, from where Darkchild reaches for the locked doors of his mind, to where Reyna twirls in the sunlight over the forest of a distant planet with Juaren. Every single tiny detail is etched into my brain with accute detail. I suppose that means I dream too much. But I truly do love fiction. The catalyst that spawned this whole line of thinking was the fact that I told a dear friend that I would try to create a "vampire" choker for her, so I consented to buying the movie Underworld (a stirring Romeo and Juliet-esque film with far too much carnage). I also sat through the entire film simply to see said choker. Where upon ending the film I turned and said to my husband, "That it is a lovely romance, but there was far too much...*stutter haltingly*.. blood and flying guts and ickyness." At the time I couldn't remember the word carnage. I just really don't want to see stuff like that. With the whole blood squirting and guts hanging out action, that just doesn't make me feel very good, especially if I have eaten recently. In fact just seeing someone get punched and the whole after effect isn't particularly to my liking. That fact can be blamed solely on an incident that occurred when I was in high school. You will have to ask me about it because I simply do not feel like going into right now, especially after mentally reliving it. *shudders* I now desire to go to bed, however I can tell you that when I lay down and close my eyes, it will not be to see lovely scenes of flowering foliage or the loving faces of my husband and son, instead I will be haunted by the tainting scenes of mass destruction and... and... and icky, *blech* nastiness. And that is why I don't like scary movies, so there.


At 7:42 AM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

sorry debra, but thanks for looking for my choker!!

At 9:42 AM, Blogger mistic_mommy said...

DEBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are going to do girly group tonight.... 6:30 at the Diner.... yeah see ya there


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