Friday, February 04, 2005

So, the church will be meeting after all...

So, the church will be meeting after all. Yay!
I am now in a dilemna though. We have been feeding squishy baby food because he is a baby and all that, but now he will open his mouth whenever you put something up to it. The dilemna is this: what can I put into his mouth other than just pre-processed baby foods? He can chew, and he can drink from his sippy cup, I just don't know what else I can give him. Any suggestions from all you other more experienced parents would be helpful (all two of you). I want to move on to the next step, or at least be a step closer to him feeding himself. About all I have really tried is cheerios and fruit puffs (an over priced brand name cereal essentially). So, I just need a few hints, that's all.
O.K. on to other stuff. Em, did you see the Phantom of the Opera yet? I was just wondering how it was. Roo, do you still need Photoshop? I have a spare disc, give me a call. RC, are you going to respond or not? Sheesh, it's like talking to somebody who has walked away from their desk and not turned on the away message (for obvious reasons).
Exciting news for people in the know! My mom and sister and niece and nephew are coming to visit this month! It will bee the Thursday before the last Saturday until the first of March. Yay!! I am so excited. I haven't seen any of my family since Thanksgiving. I hate living so far away. But then when I talk like that RC says "we never should have moved, we never should use electric appliances, we never should go out of doors." And all that sort of stuff. Welp, I am starving.


At 6:09 PM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

roo does need photoshop. what are you doing tonight.

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey is Amy. Enjoy reading about what is going on in your life....
I wanted to comment on the food stuff. Try canned green beans or mashed potatoes. Tofu cut up is also great and soft- Julia loved it. Canned fruits - (packed in juice, not syrup) They are soft and he should be able to chew them. Pears, peaches, etc. Just try anything soft and cut up small! Did you ever get him a high chair???? MIss you.


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