Wednesday, February 09, 2005

This is my comment to mistic_mommy's post about pregnancy and stuff. I put it on my blog because I didn't think that my mom would go over to L's to read it, and I wanted her to. :)

I have read that the primary time for getting pregnant only occurs occasionaly, like once a month for about three days. So, it makes since that even though you do the deed on a regular basis, you are just not doing it under the "ideal conditions" (i.e. postioning, time, state of mind, etc.) and that is why you have not gotten pregnant. I am not saying that to get pregnant you have to do it at three o'clock in the afternoon, the third day before your period starts, in the missionary postion, and you have to have consumed enough mango margaritas (but not enough to induce a coma), I am just saying that if it isn't God's timing for it then it won't happen. I know a couple who tried for like four months and they used the little special fertility monitor and all. But they did it like three times a day and it still took them a really long time. Neither were infertile or anything it just wasn't happening yet. I know another couple who tried for several years trying fertility drugs, artificial insemenation and all in all spending lots of money with the only results being alot of depresson and grief from several miscarriages. There is also another couple who got pregnant without knowing it (like me) and they now have the most adorable little family that is perfectly balanced with a daddy, a mommy, a little girl (who is gorgeous), and a handsome fresh little boy. The lesson in this, God will give you a child when he wants you to have it, not when you want to have it. Point in case being my own pregnancy. We didn't even know for like almost four months. We were dirt poor, just moved to a strange (and I mean crazy wierd new) place far away from family, and trying to cope with all of the curveballs throw our way. The thing that I am getting at is God won't give you more than you can handle, you just have to work with Him on it and not try to do it all on your own. That is when people start 'thinking' it is more than they can handle. My mom and dad never used birth control and managed to have four girls quite evenly spaced with two eighteen month intervals and one at twenty-one months. I know another lady who did the same thing, she has four kids that are about eighteen months apart each and they never used birth control. The whole deal is that you have to trust in God's will as being soveriegn. You can't give Him your ideas and say "This is how I want my life, now you do it for me." That is not how it works. We would like to get pregnant again in about three months, but if it doesn't happen until later (or not at all) I am not going to get all distraught about it (not permenantly at least, hopefully).
So, now that I go back and read her blog again, I realize that this isn't exactly a comment about the post so much as a comment about the comments.


At 12:39 AM, Blogger mistic_mommy said...

yeah that is how I feel... and there are really between 3 and 5 days a month that you can get pregnant, it is like right at the middle of the cycle which starts the first day of your period and ends the day before your next period... so if you had a perfectly normal 30 day cycle it would be around 2 weeks after the start of your period that you would be most likely to get pregnant...

look I am just full of information


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