Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Just a little while ago my Squishy walked! He took about ten steps to get from the coffee table to the entertainment center in the living room. Then he crawled back to the coffee table and tried it again, but that time he only got about four steps in before losing his balance. Yippee!!!! Finally he is trying it on his own!
All of Fiona's scabs from all of her nasty scrapes from her first run in with a motor vehicle have fallen off. So now she looks really tough because she has all of these fur-less spots that are all pink and scar-y looking. I hope they stay like that because it makes her look all rough and stuff.
The secret project that I have started is coming along nicely. I am thinking the person who it is for will be really surprised.
If anyone knows any good riddles, please e-mail them to me or just leave them in the comments. I mean like really good riddles that take some thinking to figure out. I am leaving a riddle trail for my secret person to follow to their secret present.
Also, if anybody from MS could put me in touch with Mandy (not JB's Mandy but the one that came to girly stuff). I realized I still have her Plain Jane shirt and I really want to be able to get it to her. I would like it if anyone can give her my e-mail addy. I would much appreciate any help with this.


At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consult Bilbo.


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