Wednesday, July 27, 2005

life as an untitled post

And so as life rolls on I realize that I had forgotten it was moving at all. I am dwelling in a past that is doomed not to repeat itself. And that sucks. As some of you probably can surmise, I am simply wallowing in a trench of muddy self pity because I missed out on what looks like it was a most awesome party time at the lovely Roo-roo's. Just tell me to get over it. Yes, I am telling myself also.
I am bored and crazed, busy and lethargic. I am doing lots of nothing and getting very little done, to boot. I have a fabulous secret that gets to be revealed tomorrow night and I am all giddy with anticipation. I have drunk large quantities of So-be. I have painted the trim in a room at a friend's house. I have wasted an entire day being a voyeur while very sweaty men replaced the windows in the bay at the front of the house. I painted my toe nails a color called "electric blue". Lots of stuff is happening but I seem to make excuses every time something fun rolls up. So, I remain a completely voluntarily locked up prisoner of my own fears to not want to get out and do anything but desperately desiring for something passionately exciting to occur in my life kind of waiting game.


At 12:48 AM, Blogger mistic_mommy said...

come visit us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to see the Debra! and what is this secret???? I must know...

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there another bun in the oven? ;-)

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

i miss the debra.


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