Tuesday, June 21, 2005

And then there was cheese, and God said "It is good."

I am thinking about adding a special picture section, if I can figure out how to do that without having to create a new blog. I have some great pics of the squish that I want to show everyone.

I have been having an excessive amount of writer's block recently. There is stuff that goes on in my head that I just can't figure out how to transcribe into document form. I have been fiddling around with some artistic photography also. And I have been trying to figure out how to make a Yoda costume for Squish. And I have been trying to figure out how to finish a bracelet that I have a design for that I have started but can't finish because, apparently, one of the things that is required to make the bracelet they don't carry in any of the stores around here so I have to look online for it.

We went to Clarksville on Father's Day. It was a good visit. RC's mom recently had surgery and she was pretty doped up. She kept saying that she was going to call me because she wants to talk to someone. I feel bad now with how harshly I have treated her in the past. But it has been rather difficult trying to let go of the bitterness that I have felt for all these years since at first all she would call me was "that red headed bitch". I really do want to have a relationship with her the way that my sister's have good relationships with their moms-in-law, it has just been so difficult to do that. Probably because I am just best at letting things fester inside.


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