Monday, February 14, 2005

Woo-Hoo! So many exciting (for good and not good) stuff happeneth. Much fun was had at the major partaay at Roo and Niza's, and much good food cooked by yours truly's hubby plus the yummy rice made by Roo herself. I think my most favorite moments were: the threading, Apples to Apples, and Roo playing the piano. Last night, after church L, RC, and I went out to eat (others came but they didn't stay for the sparks). We had a wonderful conversation, and RC tried as hard as he could to be an invisible turtle. Then the conversation tried to continue once we got home, but half of the people in it just wanted to hide. So, hopefully stuff that is good will come from it. Like that made much sense.
I have decided that since I don't think I have ever done anything for Lent, I will do something this year. I have sworn off anime for the forty days of Lent, granted there are thiry five days left. I have decided whenever I am just desperate for entertainment I will read Kings or one of the (more interesting-almost like fiction) books of the bible. So far I am really trying to make this something that really means something, if that made any sense. You know for alot of people Lent is just something that they say "oh yeah, I will give up... um... underwater basket weaving" which doesn't matter because it isn't something that they do all that much anyway. Like if I said, I am going to give up smoking or drinking for forty days it wouldn't matter because I don't do either of those. Now anime, on the other hand, is something that I partake of in excess. That is why I felt it would be more meaningful for me to make my solemn vow in abstaining from anime for the Lenten season. I know this is something that will be difficult for me, and that I will have to throw myself into other things in order to keep my mind off of it. But isn't that what it is supposed to be about? I know I can do it, but not on my own.


At 12:54 PM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

now there's an idea.. lent.. hmm... my dad grew up catholic. maybe i should try this too. it should be something equally as hard. i shall give up masturbation. omg. this is gonna suck.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

*gush* i can't believe you liked my piano playing :D i'll have to finish your eyebrows on tuesday.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger mistic_mommy said...

so how did the convertation turn out?

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is for rooroo...

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Ruby Anne said...

holy crap that is so awesome!! did you go to the xxxchurch site?


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