Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is not extinct!!
This excites me greatly!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Just a little while ago my Squishy walked! He took about ten steps to get from the coffee table to the entertainment center in the living room. Then he crawled back to the coffee table and tried it again, but that time he only got about four steps in before losing his balance. Yippee!!!! Finally he is trying it on his own!
All of Fiona's scabs from all of her nasty scrapes from her first run in with a motor vehicle have fallen off. So now she looks really tough because she has all of these fur-less spots that are all pink and scar-y looking. I hope they stay like that because it makes her look all rough and stuff.
The secret project that I have started is coming along nicely. I am thinking the person who it is for will be really surprised.
If anyone knows any good riddles, please e-mail them to me or just leave them in the comments. I mean like really good riddles that take some thinking to figure out. I am leaving a riddle trail for my secret person to follow to their secret present.
Also, if anybody from MS could put me in touch with Mandy (not JB's Mandy but the one that came to girly stuff). I realized I still have her Plain Jane shirt and I really want to be able to get it to her. I would like it if anyone can give her my e-mail addy. I would much appreciate any help with this.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Bad Accidents and Good Accidents

It has been a little more than a week since the last post. Here are all of the updates on life:
  • Fiona was hit by a car last Sunday, but she is doing very well mainly because she didn't break any bones. She just has lots of nasty scrapes.
  • Squishy is on the verge of walking on his own.
  • I have an interview tomorrow at a credit union.
  • I dyed my hair back to its natural color. (because of the previous item)
  • Squishy has some kind of violence issues.
  • RC can't get the ball for his lip ring out.
  • I mowed the entire back yard today single handed.
  • I am working on a "secret project" for some body special.
  • My Floridian cousin got married yesterday.
  • I finally ungrounded RC from KOTOR 2.
  • Fiona ate my mom's nice driftwood that she got from Fla.
  • RC is working on a benefit concert to be held at Rocketown for a local missionary girl.
  • I just had a really bad pain in my back. Really, just this very moment!
  • "Hero! The Rock Opera" is really good.
  • Squishy spent the entire service in the nursery today without too much whining.

That is about it, I think. But then again I have a pretty bad memory.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I really miss my MS girls right now.  I did something hurtful to someone and I am almost positive that they will not accept my apology.  If they (mah g-friends) were here they would tell me straight up something to the effect of “this is what you need to do (fill in the blank)”.  My main problem is that when I am angry I don’t think. And lately I have been getting progressively more and more angry. 

Friday, April 15, 2005

Everything is going a bit better now. We have talked and i think that he understands where I am coming from now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Sometimes people do things that completely make me want to thrash them to death with something, anything at hand really. Tonight the person whom I wish to kill is my husband. I don't really mean kill as in dead, but when I am through with him I am certainly sure he will wish he was dead.

According to my husband the correct answer to this is c. Anyone who thinks that I am the bad guy here raise your hands. Yeah, I didn't think so. I worked today. Before my mom came to pick me up she pointed out that his diaper was dirty. When I got home RC had already left, and I was thoroughly #$&*#@ mad. He did not change the diaper. He did not tell anyone he was leaving. The other day he threatened my niece with a knife. And he also insists on saying the word "bitch" whenever he deems neccesary. Tonight he is "volunteering" at Rocketown. I almost wish that he wouldn't come home. I am so mad right now I could probably almost do something drastic but then wimp out at the last moment. I am so sick and tired of having to cater to his schedule. I am absolutely fed up. If he does not clen up his act soon, well, I hate to say it, but he may just have to go. He is not a good role model. He has no common sense. And he just doesn't use his brain most of the time. I am fed up.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Things that make you go hmmmmm...

Hmmm... I am having troubles expressing myself through blogging the way I used to be able to. I think that it is partially from lack of the mental stimulation that I got from hanging out with all of my girlies. I really don't think enough inspiring things are happening in my life right now. I have started taking alot of pics with my happy camera. As soon as I learn how to put them up I probably will start posting some of my better ones.

Things that make me happy:
  • seeing all of the new flowers blooming in my mom's gardens
  • doing yard work on a yard that hasn't been neglected for forever
  • seeing the two swans that live in the pond right down the road
  • bird watching all of the birds at my mom's feeders
  • discovering that I accidentally taught my son how to wash his hands
  • seeing all of my family on a regular basis
  • taking pictures
  • going to a church where it is cool for someone to stand up on stage during worship painting a picture
  • free beads!!
  • playing with my niece and nephew
  • watching my son trying to put blocks into the shape sorter
  • being able to wear my wedding rings again... finally
  • reading books by Brian Jacques
  • watching my hubby play guitar
  • watching my son sleep
  • doing stuff to make other people happy


Things that make me non-happy:

  • nagging my husband
  • listening to babies cry (especially when the only reason they are crying is because you aren't holding them)
  • not having any income
  • feeling helpless in this situation
  • having to tell the dog 'no' a million times a day
  • stepping in kitty litter the moment I step out of the shower
  • nagging my husband
  • being yelled at
  • chapped hands
  • toe nail fungus
  • figuring out what to do with this wild mane of mine
  • snoring; loud and right in my ear
  • only having one operational vehicle that I don't know how to drive
  • nagging my husband
  • sharpies funky smell
  • not being able to see all of my girlies (and all of those other people, too) from MS
  • being the only person (up here) who really loves ND
  • seeing blood and guts
  • really windy nights (because the house sways)
  • burning a cd wrong
  • leaving something unfinished
  • nagging my husband
  • bird poo
  • having an idea in my head and not being able to translate it into a coherent medium