Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Feeling lousy. Kind of down. I think it is because RC was supposed to get off of work at three and he still isn't home. But never fear, I went to the library and got some books to read to keep me company. Eh, it's just not the same...

Falling things

Imagine this, I forgot something in that last post that I jotted down quickly so that I wouldn't forget anything. Go figure.
Yesterday, at the grocery store the darling little angel that my daughter is pulled down a stack of glass pie dishes and shattered three of them. I probably could have cried if there hadn't been people around to see. But since the little man started crying as if he had been mortally wounded by a falling pie dish, the entire store's staff showed up to make sure everything was alright. Good store. But bad for me. All these people kept showing up and the wheels of the shopping cart were clogged with pyrex glass so all I could do was stand there helplessly trying to keep X-man calm and attempt to shove pieces of glass out of the way with the toe of my sneaker.
Mortifying isn't quite a good enough adective.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Things I am thinking about

A quick note before I forget these things on my mind...
Yesterday, the mini-man spoke in a complete sentence for the first time. He said "Momma, will you help me, please?" I laughed and hugged him and said of course.
The little lady cut a tooth on Sunday.
I lost my balance yesterdy while standing outside and banged my right butt cheek on the hose keeper and now it hurts to sit and other stuff.
Tonight Sunny used the wrong song for my favorite dance, she said that they changed it in last Thursday's night class. I was ticked and it threw off my whole workout, until we did it the way I preferred it at the end.
The music industry ticks me off.
I made chili mac for dinner tonight and it was gooooooood. I didn't get to eat any until after zumba though, since I finished it too late. But I left it out for RC because he was going to be getting home shortly after I left for the class. But he waited until I got home to have any.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A few things, ending with Barf

First off, I was just taking a nap. I was having a dream about who knows what. But the reason I woke up is because I was looking at this scene of rolling hills and a crow was sitting on a hill. It turned it head and looked at me and opened it's mouth to caw, except it wasn't a caw that came out of it's mouth. It was an unearthly screeching, which caused me to instantly awake and realise that some body in the neighborhood is setting off the last of their fireworks. Interesting...
Another thing, I love the new dance in zumba.
Last thing: In yoga this morning Stefann was subbing again. I love how she lays it all out and goes slowly and does everything so that you can actually get something out of the pose instead of rushing on to try to fit in lots of poses that you can't really get into. At the end of every class, in the relaxation time she leads us through a visualisation. The first time she did this I actually cried, but I am not telling you what she made us visualise that day. ;p Today there were only three ladies in the class and at the end she told us she wanted us to visualise the color pink. I just so happened to paint my nails last night, both hands in one night, it was quite an acheivement for me. So, anyway, I already had this particular shade of pink on my mind. If I could chose what color my skin was, it would be this color, but then I would have to have hair like Trance. Back to the story... She told us to think of pink. Pick out a shade of it, maybe a soft rose shade maybe hot pink. To try to visualise it in our heads instead of just the darkness behind our eyes. Then she said something that I didn't expect. She said if your particular shade of pink had a temperature what would it be. The first thing that popped into my head was a nice warm hug. My pink is precisely the temperature of being in RC's arms. Then she went on, what is the texture of your shade of pink, is it soft is it firm, how does it feel? The first thing that came to mind was RC's lips. My pink is as soft as a kiss from my lover. Needless to say, I left yoga with a happy feeling.
Now, everyone can barf and not tell me what a sap I am. I already know.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bird on Ice

So, a lot of people probably think I am a dork for this, but I read birding magazines. I enjoy birding almost as much as I enjoy a good espresso, which is a bunch. I have especially enjoyed the stories that people mail in about their birding experiences. You know like in teen magazines they have embarassing stories about how they walked into clas with a tampon stuck to their shoe or in RC's geek magazines they have stories about how they fragged someone or pimped their rig (that is their computer). Anyway, you get the idea. I love hearing about exciting close encounters with birds. I have always wanted a story for myself. I have especially wanted the kind where someone helps out a bird and it comes back to say "thanks". Like the story about the woman who helped a wren get out of her house and it came back and landed on her shoulder "as if it were trying to say tahanks". There are so many of those stories, it some times makes me wonder how much of it is fiction. Sometimes there are photos accompanying these cute stories. But once again the sceptic in me wants more proof. Yesterday we had a very bad storm pass through. It started pretty suddenly. We were outside playing in the pool and the temperature dropped, not a dramatic drop like in The Sixth Sense, but enough of a drop to let you know that it is raining somewhere nearby. I went ahead and brought the little man inside. By the time I had gotten him dried off and put clothes on him it had started to sprinkle. I started some popcorn because I was a tad munchy. The rain got steadily harder and since it was coming in from the North East it started leaking in the back of the house into the kitchen. The popcorn forgotten, we dashed about madly trying to keep it from going everywhere. The bug man showed up to spray. And by that time it was coming down really good. Within a matter of ten minutes or so it was hailing sporadically. As hail so often goes, it was soon coming down quite hard. The little man was a little bit scared because of the banging noise it made when it hit the windows. It got to be about quarter sized and then just as suddenly as it had started it began to slack off. This was all within about an hour. Since the wind had blown stuff around and knocked some things over, I ran out to do a damage assesment. I was also taking pictures to document this catastrophic event to send to my dad, since he is out of town. In the last picture of the set that I took, I noticed a small thing on the ground. It was a sparrow laying in a puddle of hail and freezing water with it's head up in the air to keep from drowning. I ran inside and put my camera down and ran back outside to grab the bird. It never moved except to shiver more violently than it already was. I wrapped it in an old rag of a dish cloth and put it into a butter dish and took it back outside so that when it came to it wouldn't be fluttering all around in the house and break it's silly neck trying to fly through a window. I set it down in a pretty well protected area so that the rain that was still coming down wouldn't get it more wet than it already was. I must say that running around in a slick hail covered yard in bare feet isn't a good idea. My feet were frozen by then so I came back inside to warm up and to email some pictures. So the reason for me telling you those two seemingly unrelated things is because I must say I am a tad disappointed. I haven't been thanked by that ungrateful bird for saving it's miserable life. If it were my dad he probably would have just stepped on it, because he hates sparrows. And the moral of the story is: Don't believe everything that you read, or: don't expect birds to say thank you.

Monday, July 23, 2007


One of my friends who I really enjoyed in school for all of her humor and kindness now has her own blog. I have added her to my side bar for ease of perusal.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Updates and venting

I noticed it has been quite some time since I have blogged. The little lady has started crawling since I last posted. She used to just get around by scooting on her behind but now she has realized that it is much faster to use all four limbs to propel herself rapidly toward things I don't want her in. She will say "uh-oh" but not mama or dada. She loves to play peek-a-boo. And she still dances whenever she hears music. Fortunately, I have video footage of her dancing. Unfortunately, I do not have footage of her scooting on her behind. Her newest favorite toy is a teapot and fork/spoon/knife (plastic, don't worry)/whatever stick like utensil she can put in the pot stir around and pretend she is eating from the pot, since eating is her favorite pasttime. This recalls to me how the little man used to love to make soup in whatever bowl/pot like thing he could find. I think that his vocabulary has expanded by leaps and bounds since the last time I posted an update. He repeats almost everything I say. At times I suppose this could get annoying to someone watching it happen, but I love it. Seeing him finally get the idea of speaking to communicate is so wonderful to me, and if it takes a few months of repeating everything I say for him to finally speak in sentences I am all for it.

Last week RC worked a whooping total of ninety seven and a half hours. Granted, if you do the math that makes ten hours a day that he wasn't working. However, it wasn't spread nice and evenly like that. Perhaps if it had been I would have gotten to see him more that just on Sunday during church and on Monday when we had dinner with some friends for my birthday.This may sound like a good thing, but really it isn't. It may help us along toward our ultimate goal of being debt-free and in a home of our own, but it really does nothing for our relationship. I am so angry and frustrated at him not being here. I know it isn't his fault, but he is the only person who I can talk to about it because he is the only one who knows all the details and talks to me. So when he is telling me about how ignorant the people who he works for are I can't help but respond aggressively because stupidity is a big thing that I am against. And although I am simply responding to what he is telling me it appears that I am being angry at RC when really I am not. I am just so annoyed with his place of employment. So, for you business minded people out there, here is a little hypothetical business question for you:
Say you have a company that is about four years old. When you started this company you purchased used/old equipment "to save money" to start out with. Say four years down the road this used/old equipment is getting really old/outdated. This really old/outdated equipment has begun to crash at least once a week. Now you have to spend bucoudles of money for the tech team to come in and spend lots of man hours and over time to fix said really old/outdated equipment.
What would you do now that you own a multi billion dollar company?
a.) Purchase new top of the line equipment
b.) Purchase old equipment that is newer that your really old/outdated equiptment but still somewhat shoddy
c.) Purchase the lowest end stuff you can find and hope it holds up to your weekly network crashes because you want to save money
If you are the company that RC works for the answer is c. Not too smart, huh?
So, for now, because of the ineptitude of this companies heads of staff, I am husbandless until further notice.